Y@C 2022

July 4-8

Y@C is our annual Camp for young people in years 7-12. Y@C is held at Noosa QCCC campsite and is five days packed full of all the best bits of Christ Central Youth. It’s probably our favourite time of the year.

Y@C features outdoor activities like colour wars, Nerf wars, swimming and sports, plus great food, tribal wars and so much more. It’s an unreal opportunity to hang out with all ya mates, make new mates, ask big questions, share life and above all hear what God has to say to us from the Bible. We’ll have a guest speaker coming to help us unpack the Bible together across the camp in exciting ways too!

If you love the vibes of Christ Central youth, then this is a camp not to be missed!

We look forward to welcoming you at Christ Central.

Christ Central Gatherings

Video Bible Talk on Sundays 10:30am
Meeting at 8:30am & 10:30am
Eatons Hill School Hall
Apex Grove, Eatons Hill

Contact Us

e. info@christcentral.org.au
p. 0402 114 141
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE Q 4502