Sunday morning gatherings
If you decide to come along to church one Sunday, firstly we want to say, “Well done!”. We realise that church might be unfamiliar to you, so we’re really keen to help you feel welcome. There’s certainly no pressure to “do” anything while you’re with us. You might want to just sit and observe. And by all means, please stay around afterwards for morning tea and coffee.
But, whether you come along on Sundays at 8:30am or 10:30am, you will discover that what we are all about is Jesus. Our gathering goes for a bit over an hour and in the music, our prayers, and the teaching from the bible, you will hear that we’re in awe of who Jesus is, and what He has done for us. We’ve experienced something that we can’t deny – that with incredible love, God sent his Son to pay the costly price of his own life so that we might find hope and eternal life in Him
A special time for kids
Each church has its own distinct style, and you’ll find Christ Central is not overly traditional or formal, and that we aim to be very family friendly. After the first 15 minutes, kids are invited to be part of Christ Central Kids where they can enjoy a program that’s tailored for them with leaders who are really keen to make the lesson engaging and fun.
A special time for kids
Each church has its own distinct style, and you’ll find Christ Central is not overly traditional or formal, and that we aim to be very family friendly. After the first 15 minutes, kids are invited to be part of Christ Central Kids where they can enjoy a program that’s tailored for them with leaders who are really keen to make the lesson engaging and fun.

From all walks of life
You’ll discover that Christ Central Presbyterian Church is made up of very normal people – kids, teenagers, single people, those who are married, parents and grandparents. We have our joys in life and we also have our fair share of griefs and struggles. Some people are just investigating Jesus, while some others have been on a long journey of Christian faith. But together we are keen to know God more as the Bible is taught, and our passion and prayer is to see a flood of lifelong disciples of Jesus across the north edge of Brisbane and beyond
Meet Michael, Cat and family
“We’ve been attending Christ Central for over two years now and it has felt like home since we first walked in the door. There is always someone ready with a smile to greet you on arrival, even if you’re running a bit late that morning! We have really appreciated how people have sought to meaningfully connect with our family right from the beginning. The newcomers’ lunch provided a relaxed, friendly environment to have our questions answered, and joining a Growth Group really helped us to deepen our relationships with others. Our kids can’t wait to rush out to the kids’ program each week, too. We’ve found Christ Central to be a really welcoming, genuine community.”

Want to know more?
We look forward to welcoming you at Christ Central.
Christ Central Gatherings
Video Bible Talk on Sundays 10:30am
Meeting at 8:30am & 10:30am
Eatons Hill School Hall
Apex Grove, Eatons Hill
Other Locations
Petrie Campus
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE
Contact Us
p. 0402 114 141
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE Q 4502