Our Story
The story of Christ Central can be seen in the individual stories of those in our church whose lives have been changed as they’ve found life in Jesus. It’s not as if God makes struggle and pain go away, but the lived reality is that even in the midst of those hardships, there is forgiveness from God, freedom and real hope.
Ben’s Story
“In the last few years I feel like I’ve woken up to God, or maybe God’s love has woken me up! In understanding what Jesus has done for me it’s liberated me from religion and thinking I have to prove myself to God. I now have a passion for his word and I love connecting with others at church. I’m in awe of God with overwhelming gratitude.”
Jess’ Story
“There is nothing I can do to earn my way to God. Jesus has done it all already. This is so freeing! I love having a church family who consistently reminds me of this good news, and helps me to point my life towards Christ. I still mess up but it’s great having my church family who encourages me to grow closer to Jesus.”
Part of Our Story
We look forward to welcoming you at Christ Central.
Christ Central Gatherings
Video Bible Talk on Sundays 10:30am
Meeting at 8:30am & 10:30am
Eatons Hill School Hall
Apex Grove, Eatons Hill
Other Locations
Petrie Campus
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE
Contact Us
e. info@christcentral.org.au
p. 0402 114 141
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE Q 4502