The North Edge of Brisbane

Our Prayer
We realise we have no power in ourselves to bring someone to saving faith in Jesus. That’s why our mission is also our prayer. Only God can do this gracious transformation in people’s lives. And because we want to see God answer our prayer, we want to be a creative and courageous church that also backs the effort of others to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ on the north edge of Brisbane.
Life Long and All of Life
Our prayer is to see a flood of lifelong disciples. So in other words, we want to see people die as Christians – people who live whole-hearted for Jesus and express their devotion to Jesus in their obedience, love, service and perseverance to the very end. At Christ Central we think it’s helpful to define what a lifelong disciple of Jesus looks like, so we talk about our five passions.

A disciple of Jesus wants to magnify His name. We want to praise and worship our Saviour who lovingly laid down His life for us. Sundays are important but it’s every other day we love and adore God too.

A disciple of Jesus wants to mature in the knowledge of the word. It is amazing that God speaks to us in His word, the Bible, so we want to think after God’s thoughts and live according to His ways.

A disciple of Jesus wants to be a member of His church. We’re saved for relationship with God and for relationship with each other. We want to be part of a loving church family where we encourage each other.

A disciple of Jesus wants to be a messenger of Christ’s love. We want more people to know what we have – gracious salvation in Jesus. So, we pray, build relationships, invite, and talk about Jesus.

A disciple of Jesus wants to be a minister of His grace. God graciously provides for us time, talents & treasure so that we can use those gifts in service to others. We all have a role to play in gospel work.
Our prayer is to see a Flood of Lifelong Disciples Across the North Edge of Brisbane and Beyond. This is God’s world and the biblical vision is that ultimately people from every nation, tribe, people, and language will come to worship Jesus (Revelation 7:9). And so, at Christ Central we want to support (in prayer, practical encouragement and financial support) others around the world who seek to make Christ known. Two organisations we support are:

How can I contribute?
We look forward to welcoming you at Christ Central.
Christ Central Gatherings
Video Bible Talk on Sundays 10:30am
Meeting at 8:30am & 10:30am
Eatons Hill School Hall
Apex Grove, Eatons Hill
Other Locations
Petrie Campus
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE
Contact Us
p. 0402 114 141
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE Q 4502