Our Beliefs
Christ Central by name and Christ Central by nature! What this means is that Jesus is at the centre of everything we teach and do. Jesus is not only our only hope to enjoy salvation and eternity with God, He gives us the joyful purpose for living life now. We never get sick of the gospel (good news) of Jesus. The way we move forward in life, is to look back to what Jesus has done for us. These words from the New Testament puts it like this:
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7

The Bible
Because Jesus is central, so is his word. We’re a church that teaches the Bible as God’s authoritative word to us. If you’ve never properly opened the Bible to check it out, we thoroughly recommend it! The Bible is not actually a religious rule book designed to create moralistic judge-y people. It’s a collection of beautiful writings that provides us with God’s wisdom for life and shows us God’s goodness and love in sending his Son, our Saviour for us.
Our Brand or Denomination
The particular brand or denomination of church we are is Presbyterian. We know – it’s a mouthful to say! But in essence it means we’re a protestant church and our teaching reflects certain theological truths that flow from an emphasis on what the Bible has to say.
Christ Alone
Christ alone is our Saviour and King. There is no other way to find true life but through what Jesus has done for us. Because Jesus alone is our Saviour, we don’t need any human priest or spiritual guru who might use manipulation and abuse for their own purposes. Only Jesus takes us to God and helps us in the midst of life’s struggles and hardships.
Grace Alone
Faith Alone
We are saved by grace alone, through faith. We invite people to fully depend on what Jesus did when He died on the cross for our sin. Our assurance for life and eternity is not found in our religious activity, moral living or self-righteousness, but solely rests on Christ’s redeeming work for us.
Scripture Alone
Scripture alone is our highest authority for what we do as a church and for how we live as believers. We are not confined to traditions of a church or denomination. We want to teach the Bible clearly so that we might see people growing as followers of Jesus.
Glory to God Alone
Everyone who wants others to worship them is foolish and proud. But not so with God who is perfect in every way. It is right and good to keep Him at the centre of our lives. We want to worship God with lives of faith and obedience, and we do this in all such spheres of life: family, work, leisure and church life. We want more and more people to know how great and glorious God is, so we share the message of Jesus with others.

Lizelle talks about her faith
“Jesus became so precious to me as I heard for the first time the great price that Jesus paid for my sin. He chose me. I did nothing to deserve his forgiveness. I was dead in my sin and he made me alive!”
A diverse community
Christ Central Presbyterian Church is made up of a diverse community of people who come from a range of backgrounds and each person is at their own stage in the journey – exploring Jesus, just brand new to faith, or been living as a Christian for many years. We’re a church who holds to certain convictions but without conceit, and we’d love to have a conversation with you.
Want to know more?
If you want to find out more about our beliefs, you might find it helpful to listen to this bible talk by our Lead Pastor, Garnet Swann. You can listen to the whole bible talk series HERE
The Word Became Flesh - John 1:1-18
We look forward to welcoming you at Christ Central.
Christ Central Gatherings
Video Bible Talk on Sundays 10:30am
Meeting at 8:30am & 10:30am
Eatons Hill School Hall
Apex Grove, Eatons Hill
Other Locations
Petrie Campus
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE
Contact Us
e. info@christcentral.org.au
p. 0402 114 141
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE Q 4502