At Christ Central we are all about Jesus. But who is He really? And why does He matter?
His life is so significant that he literally divides history into BC (Before Jesus Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, Latin for the year our Lord came). Time magazine said…
“…the single most powerful figure – not merely in these two millenniums but in all human history – has been Jesus of Nazareth.”
While many describe him as a great teacher, prophet, or friend, Jesus’ claims about himself were much more than that. In fact Jesus claimed to be God!

Why did he come?
Jesus grew up as a Jew in the first century Middle East. His fellow Jews were looking forward to a king that would come and bring about a revolution. They were under the occupancy of an oppressive Roman government and were hoping to have a leader that would deliver them by the sword.
However Jesus came as the King who died… Yes, that’s right! The most important thing that Jesus did was die!
Why did he die?
Just as the Philosopher Shrek once said, “Onions have layers…” the reason why Jesus died has a lot of layers as well. Let’s take a look at a few…
The religious Jews killed him. In claiming to be God he was committing blasphemy. The religious Jews of the time did not like this so they sent him to a dodgy court, so that he would be convicted and killed.
The Romans killed him. People were calling him King, instead of Caesar. The Romans didn’t like this and were facing pressures from the crowds of Jews that wanted Jesus dead. So eventually they gave in to the crowds, and allowed him to be killed.
We killed him. Because of the rebellion of humanity, because of our selfishness and brokenness, God stepped in and punished Jesus instead of us so that you and I can have eternal life.
God killed him. It sounds brutal killing your own son, but this was an incredible act of love. Because no one was worthy to take the punishment the world deserved, except the one who was perfect, who did nothing to deserve it. So God sent his son Jesus into the world to take the hit for you and me.
Jesus himself did. No it wasn’t suicide, but Jesus knew full well about God’s plan and went through with it. There is even a powerful moment in the Garden of Gethsemane, the night before Jesus died (the first Easter Thursday), where he cries out to God: “Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” (Mark 14:36)

What good is a dead king?
Jesus had to die in order for God’s plan to continue. It sounds ridiculous but his best mate Peter tried to stop him from dying and Jesus called him Satan because of it. That is how serious he was about dying. But it wasn’t the end, and Jesus didn’t stay dead. On Easter Sunday 2000 years ago he rose from the dead, and lived on earth for 40 days. Over 500 people saw this and the news went viral across the Middle East and Europe.
What difference does it make to me?
It makes all the difference! Jesus dying on the cross means that everything you’ve ever done wrong, every selfish thought you’ve ever had, every word you’ve spoken in anger, or jealousy is now paid for. Jesus has done your jail time. If you trust in Jesus your slate is completely clean before God! You are counted worthy of his eternal paradise, called Heaven, and you can have a relationship with him here on earth. The Bible says that “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Maybe you want to investigate this further, however this offer is also available for you today. You just need to ask God.
Say a prayer similar to this and you can be right with God today.
Dear God,
I’m sorry for the selfish life I have lived, I have not lived up to your standard. Thank you for sending Jesus to die for me. Would you please forgive me and may I start a relationship with you today.

How can I find out more?
I’m sure you’ve got lots of questions and you want to hear more about the evidence. Come along to a service on Sunday. Also, if you are interested in discussing this more, either come along to Explore, or we would love to shout you a coffee and have a chat.
We look forward to welcoming you at Christ Central.
Christ Central Gatherings
Video Bible Talk on Sundays 10:30am
Meeting at 8:30am & 10:30am
Eatons Hill School Hall
Apex Grove, Eatons Hill
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55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE
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