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In Need of a Saviour
The book of Judges
This series covers one of the darkest periods in Israel’s history where we learn so much about sin and what happens when we reject God as our king. Yet God shows his faithfulness by repeatedly sending a saviour in their time of need.
In Need of a Saviour - Judges 1:1-3:6
Faithless People, Faithful God - Judges 3
Peg In The Head - Judges 4 & 5
Gideon’s Flawed Faith - Judges 6 & 7
Salvation from Self-Sabotage
A Foul Mess - Judges 17-21
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Christ Central Gatherings
Video Bible Talk on Sundays 10:30am
Meeting at 8:30am & 10:30am
Eatons Hill School Hall
Apex Grove, Eatons Hill
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Petrie Campus
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE
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p. 0402 114 141
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE Q 4502