Jesus called on his people to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18) and so we need courage and clarity around the gospel message, as well as a love for our neighbours, friends and the nations around. It’s an incredible thing that God uses his people in this mission. At Christ Central we have a vision and prayer and it is this:
Our prayer is to see a flood of lifelong disciples across the north edge of Brisbane and beyond.

Why Should You Give
If we would be used by God in making lifelong disciples of Jesus, we will need to give our time, our talents, as well as our treasure.
As you consider financial support to gospel ministry at Christ Central, there’s some giving principals that the apostle Paul gives us. Firstly, Christian giving is inspired by the cross of Jesus as an expression of God’s grace. In Jesus we have been made rich! (2 Corinthians 8:9). Secondly, God values the generous heart (2 Corinthians 9:7). And thirdly, Christian giving is for our spiritual good. It promotes thanksgiving to God (2 Corinthians 9:12).
How Much Should You Give
Following on from those giving principles, the New Testament doesn’t command a specific amount. Giving regularly, giving joyfully, and giving sacrificially is what really matters.

How to Give
It’s not our pattern at Christ Central to hand around a plate in the middle of our Sunday gathering. We do this for a reason – we don’t want visitors to feel obliged to give, when financial support is for the members of the church who are committed to the ministry. So instead we have a locked green box at the back of the auditorium. But in fact, we encourage people to give via Regular Direct Deposit via your bank. The details for this are:
Account Name: Christ Central Presbyterian Church
BSB Number: 034083
Account Number: 229374
How to Give
It’s not our pattern at Christ Central to hand around a plate in the middle of our Sunday gathering. We do this for a reason – we don’t want visitors to feel obliged to give, when financial support is for the members of the church who are committed to the ministry. So instead we have a locked green box at the back of the auditorium. But in fact, we encourage people to give via Regular Direct Deposit via your bank. The details for this are:Account Name: Christ Central Presbyterian Church
BSB Number: 034083
Account Number: 229374

How are Church Finances Managed
Our Committee of Management provides oversight to our financial matters. The Committee ensures accountability in matters of expenditure and approving budget. At our Annual Meeting (usually in March), our audited financial statements are presented. The Committee of Management is elected every year and any formal member of Christ Central can be nominated
Giving Beyond Christ Central
At Christ Central our prayer is to see a flood of lifelong disciples across the north edge of Brisbane and beyond. So, as well as encouraging members to give to their own church, we also want people to financially support other fantastic ministries. Here are three areas our church is committed to:

Ministry Training
We support ministry apprentices so that they might be trained well to teach the bible and disciple others, and then be sent out for a lifetime of fruitful gospel ministry.
To support our Ministry Apprentices, visit mts.com.au
CMS, Keith & Marion Birchley
The Birchley’s are serving with the Church Missionary Society in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. CMS is dedicated to a vision of having a world that knows Jesus. They are committed to equipping, sending and supporting long term workers who share the gospel of Jesus across cultures.
To support the Birchleys, visit cms.org.au
Compassion is a Christian International child development organisation. Through child sponsorship children are released from poverty in Jesus’ name. Compassion is Christ Centered, Child Focused and Church Based.
To sponsor a child, visit compassion.com.au
Our very own Rachel Kotterer is an AFES staff worker with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES). Rachel encourages university students in their Christian growth and witness. We want to see flourishing Christian ministry at the new Petrie Uni Campus, and we look forward to Rachel and other staff working there.
To support Rachel Kotterer, visit afes.org.au
We look forward to welcoming you at Christ Central.
Christ Central Gatherings
Video Bible Talk on Sundays 10:30am
Meeting at 8:30am & 10:30am
Eatons Hill School Hall
Apex Grove, Eatons Hill
Other Locations
Petrie Campus
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE
Contact Us
e. info@christcentral.org.au
p. 0402 114 141
55-61 Old Dayboro Rd, PETRIE Q 4502